Coccinelle is the ‘Training & Travel Partner’ of the First Parma Calcio Women’s Football Team for the 2023-24 season.
Parma Calcio and Coccinelle share the same mission: to enhance women and the unique style they embody, as well as their teamwork ability, which is at the heart of every achievement. Both teams are led and represented by women with positive attitudes, talented and capable of handling any issue firmly and tenaciously.

The yellow-blue female footballers will be sporting Coccinelle's branded training uniform and travel uniform
revisited by the brand and embellished by an overshirt featuring the exclusive monogram graphic sign,
a mobile phone holder with monogram shoulder strap, as well as the Beat backpack with
the iconic plectrum-shaped closure.

United we stand – and it was this union that has allowed Coccinelle and Parma Calcio
to create this partnership, which has its roots in the blending of shared values and land.
The Coccinelle woman is a force of nature – optimistic and sophisticated, she has modern tastes and does not underestimate the importance of the quality of everything that she chooses; she is elegant, spontaneous and loves to surround herself with bright colours – just like a Parma Calcio athlete, she lives every day to the utmost, and she is the embodiment of resourcefulness.

Il coniglio, da sempre simbolo di nuovi inizi, diventa la chiave d’accesso di Coccinelle al mondo del design. Uno dei soggetti più distintivi del repertorio di Cracking Art è stato reinterpretato in una minaudière che, andando oltre i dettami della tradizionale pelletteria e, giocando con forme organiche non più meramente contenitive, unisce il mondo della moda e quello dell’arte.